TTRPG Tuesday Week 5

 Hello everyone, shiny day to you! I hope you all have had a good week! Time to start the blog on this weeks update, cannot believe we are on week 5! I want to again thank everyone for the support, I am having so much fun doing this and making new friends within the community!

So let us start! 

First up 


We all love dice, but have you ever wanted some dice to squish? Well look no further but to normal human designs! They have lots of squishy dice options! I mean they also have normal dice which is also very fantastic!! But I mean who doesn't want to go squish? 

Now this one should maybe be in the extra category, but this is my blog so I get to decide where things go. Plus these are technically dice, just edible.  Which I think is so darn cool! Chocolate dice! 

You heard me right my friend, chocolate dice!!!!

You can find these lovely dice on their website, and they are adding some wonderfully tasty looking flavors to their shop for the holidays! You can follow them for updates on their works on their twitter

Podcasts and Streams

Alright the first podcast I have is Roll Factory

"Roll Factory is a podcast for new and returning tabletop roleplaying gamers. In each bite-sized episode, Dungeon Manager K.O. Myers and a guest explain one feature of the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition character sheet."

Extra (someone please give me a better name for this category)

I would like to introduce everyone to WorksofWhimseyStudios

They make some wonderful TTRPG based art, I honestly adore all of their work. You can get décor or jewelry, they also have Christmas ornaments and plant pots. Honestly their shop is super stocked and I would suggest check it out! 

I really adore this one in particular, its a D20 storage container 
You can find it on their twitter here as well -


This one is very special, their shop opened yesterday! Fabyrcate 

You should go and check out this artist and look over their shop! I think it would be really special for them to get a list of orders the day after they open so please go check them out!! Check out their instagram too


The first Kickstarter I have is called Ice Cream Float Dice!
Yes that does in fact mean dice based of ice cream floats! This is their second series of these and they look lovely!

The next kickstarter I have is pride dragon dice bags! These are absolutely adorable, there is also a set of pins! This ends monday november 15th so defiantly go check them out!

Have you ever sniffed your dice and said, dang I wish they didn't smell like plastic, well check out this kickstarter for scented dice! Yes you read that right, scented dice. Ends this friday so go check them out! 

This blog post is a little shorter, some days self care and health comes first. So make sure you are taking care of yourselves too! 

Find the video version here- 

Don't forget if you go check out these wonderful creators to let them know Dawn sent you :)


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